Spring Detox & Declutter
Spring is here! Ah breath in the fresh new air! The weather is starting to get warmer and your energy and mood is starting to get a boost. Spring fever starts to creep in and we start to get that urge to spring cleaning, packing up the heavy warm winters and embracing the lighter layers!
Let's deep deep clean and clear the old stagnant energy of the past season and really invite in some fresh new energy and vibes into your home and body. Spring is the perfect time to do that.
Embrace that spring cleaning bug and give your home a good deep clean to get all the nooks and crannies that the dirt and energy gets stuck in. Packing up the winter gear and warm clothes is great but as you do it edit and clear what is worn out or doesn't fit anymore or you don't love to wear, get rid of all those mismatched mitts. It will clear your space, make more room both in the closet or storage room and in your energy. Do the same with bringing out the spring and summer clothes edit and donate or sell what you don't love anymore, doesn't fit and make you feel fabulous.
Spring is often a time we clean out and declutter our homes. It's the perfect time to do that and by doing this we get rid of and say good bye to one season and embrace them new one. One of growth and renewal. As you declutter and make space for the warmer temps and renewed energy spend some time thinking about what you want to invite into your life, Make those intentions for what you are replacing it with or what you are working towards.
We always feel lighter after decluttering our homes and closets and as we do our homes think about decluttering your body as well. Maybe do a small light cleanse to help lighten the physical body as well and remove any heaviness from the winter season. Maybe look at stepping up your daily routine to better support your body, add a little more lemon to your daily routine to help the body detox and rid toxins from it.
Add some more nourishing lighter foods, greens. salads, smoothies or green juices will all support the detox and leave you feeling refreshed and lighter. I personally love to do a very light cleanse to rid the body of heaviness, invite in a lighter vibe and energy and brings awareness to where maybe need more attention or support moving forward.
During this time to shed to old, get rid of the clutter both in our homes and bodies take time to also look at how you can support your mind as well. Do you need to let go of anything there that maybe of holding you back or just not helping you anymore.
Take some time to look at your life and how your mental state is as well. Are you super stressed all the time and always feeling overwhelmed and not in control of your emotions and thoughts. Do you need to be more mindful create some more space to just be and balance the chaos of the day to day life.
Maybe either re-commit or even start for the first time a mindfulness practice? Create a little more peace in your life and time to recharge the and relax will do wonders for you mentally, emotionally and physically.
Spring is here and embrace the boost and get cleared and ready to nourish the new season body, mind and spirit. What are your favourite spring time decluttering and clearing practices?